...And I Still Love You: The Art of Loving Imperfect People

The book I've outlined is purposed to provide insight, tools, and validation for people trying to explore and accept the truth that every person we'll ever know or love is flawed. Duh, right? You'd be surprised how surprising the real-life experiences of this truth feels for us. Though we may mentally know this, it is harder to live, explore, and accept what this means for our lives, our relationships, our love stories. I wanted to write a book that helps people to feel successful, connected and satisfied within their relationships. There were many times throughout the process of writing this book when I thought to myself, "why am I even writing this? People suck, relationships suck. What else is there to say". I thought, "why am I encouraging people to try, to lean into this mess of loving?" I kept writing through the tears, the doubts. I kept loving through them, too. I didn't give up on my people. I didn't give up on you. On writing this book. On being engaged in my relationships. I hope you wont either. Discussed in this book are concepts of acceptance, empathy and grace, balance and equality, communication, vulnerability, trust, and security. These will all be tied into what I call unconditional love.