100 Business Etiquette Tips for Germany.

Have any of these thoughts ever gone through your mind when doing business with Germans? ? Who offers his hand first when shaking hands? ? Should I walk on the left or the right side of my host? ? How many pieces of jewelry or other accessories should I wear as a man or a woman? Yes? Then the time has come to act. This book gives you a compact, competent and humorous insight into the world of business etiquette in Germany. The business etiquette author and trainer Susanne Helbach-Grosser has put together the most important business etiquette tips for you. No? Then you're perfect - or you've never really had to think about such questions. In both cases it is well worth taking a look at this book. Above all, the humorous illustrations by Tine Beutel make the book entertaining reading on the train or a perfect present. No matter how you decide, we wish you a lot of fun reading or making practical use of the book, simply looking at the fine illustrations or giving it to others as a gift.

About the author: Susanne Helbach-Grosser is a much sought after specialist on etiquette on radio and television and in the print media. In 1993 she founded the Seminar-Institut TAKT & STIL in Schwa?bisch-Gmu?nd. As an independent personality trainer, consultant and coach she has since then been actively engaged in teaching the contemporary social rules for living with style. Her clients include prospective executives at home and abroad from industry, banking, trade, public authorities, the health and the service sectors. She is the author of modern standard books on etiquette. Four franchise partners run TAKT & STIL agencies on their own initiative in Germany and abroad. Future etiquette trainers are coached by her in the TAKT & STIL College (www.takt-und-stil.de).

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