A Bundle of Letters From Over the Sea

In presenting my little book to the public, I feel that I should apologize for so doing, instead of introducing it; for at the time my letters were written I had no idea of publishing them. Since my return, however, several friends who had read them have assured me that they greatly enjoyed them, and felt that others would do so, also, had they the opportunity. The letters have, at least, the merit of being fresh and honest impressions of the places described, as they were written on the spots. Remembering how eagerly I have always read letters of travel, I sincerely hope{x} that mine may prove a source of pleasure to some-to those who have been over the same ground, and to many who have the pleasure in anticipation. I am aware that the route I describe is a well-worn thoroughfare, but every eye has its own perspective, and different views of the same pictures assist the sight-seer in comprehending the whole. Therefore, I here beg the charity of all into whose hands this little book may fall. L. B. R., Hotel Oxford, Boston, December 20, 1889.

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A Bundle Of Letters Robinson, Louise B.

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