A Guide to Internal Loss Prevention

A Guide to Internal Loss Prevention provides an analysis of loss prevention factors from the inside looking out, rather than the outside looking in, bringing to management's attention specific organizational areas that may be contributing to internal loss. It is the authors' intent to demonstrate that management personnel often do not pay attention to essential details, and that this laxity, carelessness, or deliberate negligence is costing both industry and the consuming public billions of dollars annually in needless added costs. This book is organized by recognizable business functions rather than by type of organization. Key topics discussed include the administrative, financial, management, production area, personnel, and safety considerations of loss prevention. White collar crime, computer security, and information security are also covered. Where possible, case studies are supplied to clearly depict an actual loss situation, so that management sees how it can happen. An attempt is made to identify loss-producing situations, their possible causes, their effects, and finally, recommendations for remedies that may enable management to prevent recurrences, thereby saving money and ultimately profits.