A Modern Approach to Intelligent Animation

This book discusses the concepts, theory, and core technologies of intelligent theory and human animation, including video based human animation and intelligent technology of motion data management and reusing. It introduces systems developed to demonstrate the technologies of video based animation. Lively pictures and demos throughout the text help make the theory and technologies more accessible to readers.

Yueting Zhuang received his PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science at Zhejiang University (1998). From 1997 to 1998, he studied as a visiting scholar at the Department of Computer Science and Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Now he is the professor and vice dean of the College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University.

He has published more than 100 papers in international renowned journals and conferences, topics including computer animation, graphics, multimedia analysis and retrieval. And he has been the PIs of several NSF China projects, 863-high tech projects, National 7th-5 and 8th-5 projects. As one of the key members, he was awarded the second prize by State Science & Technology Commission of China in year 1993, 2004 respectively and first prize by Chinese Academy of Sciences in October, 1992.