A Slavic People A Russian Superpower A Charismatic World Leader

A comprehensive analysis of the MH 17 tragedy over eastern Ukraine begins the book. It is followed by a review of ISIS and the background to the conflict in the Middle East in the shadow of the importance of oil and concerning the US Pax Americana advance. Further description of Russia's military rearmament occurs to a lesser extent, but the extremely dramatic development in the South China Sea is examined all the more. In the shadow of the refugee crisis, Sweden's situation and its historically unstable attitude towards Russia, and its focus on the United States is critically examined. Putin's strategy in Syria and the Middle East is analyzed in detail. Detailed source list

Goeran B Johansson. Retired Teacher in Music, Swedish language and IT-support-technician. Author. Former member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party as EU and International Representative. Independent Geostrategic Analyst Focusing on the return of Russia as a World Super Power within the BRICS(Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and SCO(Shanghai Cooperation Organization)

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