Academic Quality and Integrity in the New Higher Education Digital Environment

Academic Quality and Integrity in the New Higher Education Digital Environment: A Global Perspective provides discussions on the work of three editors who have significant experience in the quality assurance of teaching and learning and have been developing approaches during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Discussions on learning and teaching during the pandemic were concentrated on how academic institutions ensure quality of courses, and that academic integrity is maintained in all assessments in a digital environment, thus ensuring what is being delivered meets global standards and professional bodies have confidence in programs delivered by the higher education sector. The area of quality assurance and academic integrity is thus critical in this new digital environment where significant educational programs will be delivered. - Provides updates on what university administrators are doing to face challenges on how to maintain the quality of their programs during digital learning - Addresses concerns on the quality of their programs and academic integrity is maintained at all times - Proposes new practices and innovative approaches to bring to the attention of stakeholders in a central depository so that there can be informed approaches in institutions and in the set up of regulatory practices