In recent times, advertising strategies find themselves in a new situation: the internet and so-called `social media' have revolutionized the traditional communications structures of consumer society. And they have also provoked criticism in the process - mainly through the protest phenomenon of adbusting. This volume investigates this, by developing and theoretically exploring specific practical adbusting strategies. With the methodology of classical rhetoric, fragments can be detected within advertising messages which can be recoded and utilized for their subversive potential - an approach which allows advertisers and adbusters to use the rhetoric of design to find their own strategy.

Andreas Beaugrand (Prof. Dr. phil., M.A.), geb. 1960, lehrt Theorie der Gestaltung und ist Vizepräsident für Studium und Lehre der Fachhochschule Bielefeld. Pierre Smolarski (M.A.), geb. 1984, ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fachbereich Gestaltung der Fachhochschule Bielefeld.