Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Vol. 35

S. Price: Advances in imaging low-grade gliomas - M. J. Riemenschneider, G. Riefenberger: Molecular neuropathology of low-grade gliomas and its clinical impact - I . R. Whittle: What is the place of conservative management for adult supratentorial low- grade glioma - D. Kurzwelly, U. Herrlinger, M. Simon: Seizures in patients with low- grade gliomas -- incidence, pathogenesis, surgical management, and pharmacotherapy - L. Bello et al: Present day`s standards in microsurgery of low-grade gliomas - B. Baumert and R. Stupp: Is there a place for radiotherapy in low-grade gliomas? - F. W. Kreth et al: The place of interstitial brachytherapy and radiosurgery for low-grade gliomas - M. Klein: Health- related quality of life aspects in patients with low-grade glioma.

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