Air Pollution Caused by Ocean Freight

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Phys. Geogr., Geomorphologie, Umweltforschung, Note: 2,0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In view of the future, organizations will have to adopt their supply chains more frequently to the increasingly competitive world. In the following text a critical discussion will be provided how key external risks of air pollution caused by ocean freight will influence the industry in the future and which strategies are adapted to deal with this risk. Especially Hamburg is affected by an important environmental issue: Air pollution caused by ships. German shipping companies managing cruise ships have already begun to modernize their fleet, driven by critics of the 'Naturschutzbund Deutschland' (NABU) (Zehender, 2012). The same non-profit organization now raised public attention to containerships polluting the air

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