Airships of the Whale Culture above Greenland

To gain an understanding of the past, it is sometimes useful to test what one has learned by investigating the past. That is what this book is about. It is a continuation of my book, "The Whale Culture of Greenland". Based on the details about the whale culture in Greenland that I learned from rock carvings on a cliff in Eastern Greenland, I and like-minded individuals have built an airship, as it could have been built by a hunter-gatherer culture in the Arctic during the Holocene Maximum, and we will now attempt to fly it around Greenland and propel it with the fuel we can gather from hunting. This is therefore the story of our journey in a hot-air balloon around Greenland and how we managed the long trip north around the island and down along the west coast until we returned to the east coast, facing all the challenges and dangerous situations that arose along the way. It is also the story of what an ancient people could achieve in the distant past and what it tells about their spread in the Arctic and beyond. It is a long and eventful journey that I and my companions undertake, which does not go as expected and certainly does not end as such, but still bears the fruits we desired. The journey is long and tough and constantly tests us, as the Arctic must have tested the whale culture in Greenland's distant past, but we endure it all the way to the abrupt end of the journey, thereby showing that an airborne culture in Greenland could have been possible around the time of the Holocene Maximum.

The author and archeologist Vita de la Vera is a nobleman, scholar and very independent researcher, who's main field of interest is ancient and forgotten cultures that are unrecognized by conventional science. He is a more outlandish member of le Club d'Aventure d'Outre-Mer, where he has often caused quite a stir especially in his ongoing feud with fellow member Jacques Pierre, who is not altogether convinced of the validity of many of Vito de la Vera's findings. This competition has not meant that they cannot be civil, however. Vito de la Vera's main interest is the continued search for more knowledge about the ancient whale culture that has existed in the Arctic during the Holocene Maximum and in the Pacific during the ice age. His continued quest to find out more about this culture has led him far and wide from the Arctic to New Caledonia and to South America. His findings have also led him unto the truth about the continent of Mu that is deeply connected to the whale culture. His research has also led him on an airship trip around Greenland with fellow members of Le Club d'Aventure d'Outre-Mer. Aside from the search for the whale culture Vito de la Vera has also searched for Lemuria at the Mascarene Plateau and Atlantis as a floating artificial island in the Atlantic modeled on the Richat Structure also known as the Eye of Africa from whence the Atlantean culture stemmed as it spread to the ocean and into the Sargasso Sea. Aside from his archeological work Vito de la Vera is also heavily engaged in the creation and building of artificial coral reefs and floating islands build on the concepts of Atlantis and the south American cultures that build huge floating structures from rushes that were then used as platforms for fields and Mangroves.

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