Alien Magic by William Benjamin Discover the future in Alien Magic, a thrilling cyberpunk adventure by William Benjamin. In the neon-soaked metropolis of Neo-Veritas, where reality and virtuality collide, Ryan Striker is a seasoned Navigator-a daring explorer of the mysterious hyperspace. As the lines between human and machine blur, Ryan is thrust into a perilous mission that will challenge everything he knows about the world and himself. When the discovery of hyperspace promises infinite possibilities, Ryan and his elite team must venture into this uncharted realm to establish a stable portal and uncover the secrets of the Nexus-a point where multiple dimensions intersect. But what they find is far more dangerous than they could have ever imagined. The Nexus is not just a gateway; it is a prison for an ancient and powerful entity that threatens to break free. As Ryan navigates the volatile currents of hyperspace, battling digital phantoms and deciphering the vast data streams, he uncovers a dark conspiracy orchestrated by the enigmatic Council of Neo-Veritas. With the fate of the city hanging in the balance, Ryan must rally his allies, confront his deepest fears, and prevent a catastrophe that could alter the fabric of reality itself. Alien Magic is a gripping tale of adventure, technology, and the enduring strength of the human spirit. Join Ryan Striker as he navigates a world of neon lights, digital landscapes, and unimaginable dangers in a quest to save Neo-Veritas from impending doom. Available now in print and ebook formats.

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