An Empirical Investigation into the Factors Influencing Consumer Perceptions of the No Name Brand Food Items: Special Focus - South Africa

Inhaltsangabe:Introduction: In today’s complex business environment, doing business is no longer business as usual; it has evolved into quick change, quick response, and quick results. In such an environment it is only those business enterprises which understand these trends and position themselves for tomorrow can survive and grow successfully. Nowhere is this reality truer than in the retail industry, where changes on the consumer side are creating new challenges and opportunities at a frantic pace. In the past, the consumers’ demand for high-profile brands let a retailer capitalize on the foundation of those solid, reputable brands to build its own reputation. This brand centric- approach to retailing meant strong competition, which has resulted in tight profit even to the bigger players of the industry. In response to the increased challenges, there has been a significant movement by most prominent retailers towards store brand solutions to improve margins and better meet the changing needs of the consumer. By creating high-quality product tied to the retailer’s own brand, retailers are reaping the benefits of brand loyalty for themselves. Leading global retailers like Wal-Mart, Aldi, Asda, Marks & Spencer, Migros, Tesco, Loblaw and many others now have two or three store brands, which allow for appeal across a wider variety of price points. According to recent studies, in Europe, store brands already represent over 45 Percent of the product mix, while in the U.S., store brands represent 25 percent (Internet 5). Compared to the U.S and Europe, the South African market for store brands is not well developed and is far from being saturated. Store brands are sold throughout retailers in the country and categories are widespread - from beverages (milk, coffee, water, etc); including most confectionary categories; most household and toiletry categories; and from premium brands, to the more cost effective. Leading retailers like Spar, Shoprite, and Pick n’ Pay and others have various store brands. Even though South African retailers are utilizing own brands as a means of differentiation, some studies are also indicating the lack of well tuned major store brand strategies and own brands were not perceived as of value by consumers as well (Internet 2). Like in the case of national brands, retailer’s brands have also evolved into many different forms (McGoldrick, 2002). The focus of this study is on the No Name Brand food items which are one form [...]