Anatomy of A Drug Addict

One out of ten families deal with addiction to drugs or alcohol. The number of young men and women dying from addiction has grown over the years and is still growing today. Addiction impacts not only the addict but also the addict's family. For every addict there is a father and mother who are bearing the hurt of watching a child descend into the darkness of drug or alcohol dependency. Though others often give up hope, these mothers and fathers are desperate to believe there is a door to freedom. In addition to parents, there also are wives and children abandoned because the father is incarcerated for a drug-related crime. Charles' story tells us there is hope that comes from God and that this hope will not disappoint us. His story tells us that when we come to a spiritual awakening and receive the counsel and help that creates new thinking and emotional healing, a new story can be written for us, and a new life can spring from the wreckage of failure and become a part of the solution for others walking that same path.