Ancient and Modern World View - Rudolf Steiner's Criticism of Astrology

Rudolf Steiner was very critical of modern astrology in several lectures. He emphasized that true astrology can only be practiced in a higher state of consciousness. This leads to insights that are entirely in line with the world view of the planetary spheres, the zodiac and even higher levels of existence originally seen clairvoyantly by the people of ancient cultures. Over the millennia, however, this knowledge has fallen into decay. Today's astrology is no longer based on true concepts of the zodiac and the house system. This book describes the four stages of its decline and leads the reader back to its origins and true foundations. The ancient spiritual world view with the angelic hierarchies is contrasted with the modern, spiritless astronomical world view. The reader also learns about the house system according to Rudolf Steiner. All of this makes it possible to understand both the great significance of the Egyptian Sphinx of Giza and the date set by Rudolf Steiner for the laying of the foundation stone for the first Goetheanum according to cosmological aspects.