Angels in my Life

"oy! Was it hot? Not a tree in sight...just sand and desert as faras one could see.My rank was sergeant in the air force ordinance. My jobon this day was to camouflage some practice bombs."Sergeant," said the captain in charge of the detachment onmaneuvers. "The general is going to fly over. I hope you have thosebombs well hidden.""Yes, sir," I replied. Then added."I don't think he'll see anything but sand.""Sergeant, I have another matter to bring up. You have been puton orders to go overseas. Where, I don't know. It's classified. You haveto leave today."As I drove away in a jeep, headed for my new assignment, I waswondering if the captain ever located all those bombs buried out therein the desert. Well, probably not. He wasn't too fond of me, and Isure wasn't very fond of him. That's the reason I was headed overseas."