Applications of Intelligent Control to Engineering Systems

Thiseditedbookispublishedin honorofDr. GeorgeJ. Vachtsevanos,ourDr. V,c- rently Professor Emeritus, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Georgia Institute of Technology, on the occasion of his 70th birthday and for his more than 30 years of contribution to the discipline of Intelligent Control and its application to a wide spectrum of engineering and bioengineering systems. The book is nothing but a very small token of appreciation from Dr. V¿s former graduate students, his peers and colleagues in the profession ¿ and not only ¿ to the Scientist, the Engineer, the Professor, the mentor, but most important of all, to the friend and human being. All those who have met Dr. V over the years and haveinteractedwith himin someprofessionaland/orsocial capacityunderstandthis statement:Georgenevermadeanybodyfeelinferiortohim,hehelpedandsupported everybody,and he was there when anybody needed him! I was not Dr. V¿s student. I rst met him and his wife Athena more than 26 years ago during one of their visits to RPI, in the house of my late advisor, Dr. George N. Saridis. Since then, I have been very fortunate to have had and continue to have interactions with him. It is not an exaggeration if I say that we all learned a lot from him.