Applied Stochastic Processes

Applied Stochastic Processes is a collection of papers dealing with stochastic processes, stochastic equations, and their applications in many fields of science. One paper discusses stochastic systems involving randomness in the system itself that can be a large dynamical multi-input, multi-output system. Examples of a large system are the national economy of a major country or when an acoustic wave is propagating as in the atmosphere, ocean, or sea. Another paper proves that only the average properties of the molecules of biology can be measured with precision in the test tube; and disputes a 'simplistic' model of the cell as defined by a miniature Laplaces' universe. The paper notes that the way existing cells are constructed implies that quantum mechanical principles lead to certain questions (about simple experiments) having only statistical answers. Another paper addresses the detection of distributed, fluctuating targets in a reverberation limited, randomly time, and space varying transmission media. This approach is done by using the concepts of 'random Green's functions' and the 'stochastic Green's function.' The collection will prove useful for cellular researchers, mathematicians, physicist, engineers, and academicians in the field of applied mathematics, statistics, and chemistry.