Arbortext 101

The toughest thing about learning any new software package is making the shift from what you already know to how this new software replaces processes and changes your world. It's shifting your perspective or expectations about how you think it should fit into your world to how your world will adapt to it, so you are using it in the most effective manner. At well over 5000 pages, the complete Arbortext documentation set covers a lot more than the basics. Yet, for the average use case, Arbortext works great right out of the box to handle 90% of technical documentation needs. If you're a brand new Arbortext user and feel that most of your technical publication needs are similar to 80-90% of technical publications out there, this book is for you. Even if you've got more complicated needs, this book is still for you. It doesn't matter what industry or what country you're in: Arbortext is used by customers in every industry in countries all around the world. We're going to show you how to get started quickly, how to shift your understanding so that you can make the most of your investment in your world. This book will give you pointers about how to get started down the road to using Arbortext in the most effective and most beneficial (to you) way possible.