Architektur in Zeiten der Krise

In times of crisis: Quo vadis, architecture?

Driven by the desire to create better worlds in the face of multiple crises, architects are attempting to rethink society, cities, and forms of living, to renew architecture and its materiality, and to develop a new aesthetic.

As 'tipping points,' crises offer new perspectives. Using the examples of historical as well as contemporary projects, Susanne Stacher examines different strategies in architecture. Ideas from science and philosophy (including those of Pierre-Henri Castel and Hartmut Rosa) provide a base from which to question ideas of progress, growth, nature, and society, which are represented in the selected architectural projects.

This book spans a broad historical arc and includes a plea to reflect on the role of architecture and urbanism in times of ecological crisis.

  • A historical and philosophical examination of architecture in times of crisis
  • From archaism to the pursuit of deceleration, creation through destruction, and the reenchantment of the world
  • Projects/concepts by Hans Hollein, Ebenezer Howard, Bjarke Ingels, Le Corbusier, Adolf Loos, Paul Otlet, Bernard Rudofsky, and others

Susanne Stacher, Architektin, Prof. für Architekturtheorie und -praxis an der École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Versailles

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