Army of Darkness / Xena Omnibus

The cross-over no one expected is here! Too big for the movie or television screen, Dynamite presents the ultimate "Why Not?" tale as Ash and his Army of Darkness meets Xena, the Warrior Princess in the this 4-issue mini series event!> No, really, we're not kidding... we thought that the last time we put all these characters together, you guys would tell us where to stick our series, but you didn't and now we think you want more! And we're giving it to you... or rather, Brandon Jerwa, Elliott R. Serrano and Miguel Montenegro are giving it to you! After the events of their last meet-up, Ash is back in "real" time and Xena and Gabby are back where they started, but they're not going to stay there, not if the Necronomicon has anything to do with it! Featuring a cover galllery Montenegro!

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