Artificial Intelligence as an Additional Tool in Customer Relationship Management and the Impact after the COVID-19 Crisis

Masterarbeit aus dem Fachbereich Informatik - Künstliche Intelligenz, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The aim of the research of this present work is to answer which criteria make an AI-driven CRM successful, what opportunities and challenges there are, and how the general population assesses this topic. Furthermore, it is important to see that the corona pandemic is having an impact on the use of AI. For this purpose, the following two research questions were asked. How does AI strengthen the customer relationship CRM? Will the Corona pandemic accelerate the use of AI? To answer the research questions, a quantitative study on people's current opinions and attitudes towards AI and how it will change as a part of the outbreak of the pandemic was conducted. Specifically, the study deals with artificial intelligence in customer service, the change of AI in companies due to Covid-19 and how people generally view the topic of AI. The participants surveyed were anonymous, of different age groups, occupations, and origins, as this topic affects everyone today and it is important to pay attention to the opinion of the general population. The targeted use of artificial intelligence in customer relationship management to make the work of companies and their employees more efficient and of higher quality, also about the customer, is on the rise. More and more sales are generated by this technology and more and more AI-controlled tools are being developed which make customer management more successful and thus intensify the relationship between customers and companies. Thus, it is necessary to understand such technologies and how they are designed, but also what opinion the general society has on this rather revolutionary technology.