Barcelona negra

Its solitary beauty, surrounded by mountains and overlooking the sea, its lively streets, and its elegant monuments make Barcelona a beautiful and welcoming city. But make no mistake: Barcelona, ??with all its charm and color, has not always been able to hide its dark side. Repression, drugs, or immigration are just some of the themes that appear in fourteen stories that transport us from the most typical, from the Ramblas to Gaudí, to the most corrupt and dishonest part of the city, to the Barcelona that will never appear on a tour. In this anthology we will find, thus, historical accounts, such as that of Andreu Martín; crazed and crazy, like David Barba's; very short, like that of Lolita Bosch; fantastic, like Inma Monsó's, or very sexual, like Valerie Miles's. The end result: fourteen new and original stories, each one set in one of the most characteristic neighborhoods of Barcelona, ??with fourteen completely different points of view, all of them written by the most prominent Spanish and Catalan writers of the black genre.