Becoming Miss Izzy

Elizabeth Ann Tanlin, dubbed Miss Izzy, by her grandmother, Momo, is a ten-year-old girl like most others. She enjoys hanging with her two best friends and listening to popular music. She loves her dogs, Harmony and Hudson, and loves food even more. Is it any wonder her initials spells eat? She is ordinary enough except she worries she might be too "chubby" or maybe even fat. While fat has its own problems, something else is more worrisome. Deep inside, something makes Elizabeth think and act differently from most girls getting ready for middle school. Elizabeth can't put her finger on it. A small quiet voice in her head causes her to wonder and worry. Watching and paying attention to others often fills her day. Sometimes things make little sense to her and add to her worry and concern. Usually, she knows stuff but wonders how that is possible. Other times, she is not sure what to believe and gets confused. Does this happen to other kids, too? Am I fat? What's up with those mean kids? Am I good enough? Did the doctor say I will die? How will I survive the start of middle school? Can I become the girl of my dreams? These questions haunt her as she goes on a quest for the answers. Elizabeth experiences the worst day of her life at the end of fifth grade. Her spirits crushed by that horrible day, her mom and Momo come to the rescue. Overwhelmed and filled with doubt and fear, Elizabeth embarks on a summer adventure that will change her life forever in more ways than one. Difficult changes with yourself, friends, family, and everyone in between become easier to handle when you learn a few things in life and come to accept whom you are becoming, just like Miss Izzy.