Beyond Sticky Notes

Co-design is a transformative, community-centred design method which is much discussed - yet rarely practised authentically. Beyond Sticky Notes teaches you what co-design is and how to do it. Packed full of useful tips, clear diagrams, and practical frameworks, this book will help you lead collaborative design work, and genuinely share power.A useful book for new and experienced practitioners alike, Beyond Sticky Notes is a definitive guide to the mindsets, methods, and social movements of co-design.

'Beyond Sticky Notes is required reading for emotionally intelligent, socially responsible research and design teams. This book bravely flies against the fashionable fetish for speed and the illusion of predictable process in design and research. Beyond Sticky Notes refreshingly acknowledges the importance of space, time and experience in crafting deeper meaning for design outcomes over using craft materials for lightweight tomfoolery and show.' Nick Bowmast, Author of USERPALOOZA