Black Lotus

",[A] heart-thumping thriller...Kwan does a masterful job of keeping readers on their toes right up to the very last page.",--Publishers Weekly",Fans expecting another thug-in-the-street story will be pleasantly surprised at this rough police procedural.",--Library Journal",Well-written at a fast pace...the suspense is cutting edge and cunning. Even if you are on top of your sleuth game, you will not figure out the game players or assassin until the end...Hats off to you Kwan.",--Ski-wee's Book Corner",One of hip-hop fictions hottest authors.",--King",Kwan steadily builds to a frantic, movie-worthy climax.",--Entertainment Weekly",The legacies of Iceberg Slim and Donald Goines are forever preserved.",--UpscaleDetective James Wolf earned the nickname Lone Wolf from his inability to work with a partner. Hes a hard cop who doesnt mind bending the rules to the point of breaking them to make a case, which is why Internal Affairs is digging in his backyard, looking for buried bones. People are starting to wonder: Which side of the law is the Lone Wolf really hunting for? His career hanging on by a thread, he needs a major show of good faith to keep employed and out of prison. Thats when he gets the call.From the moment he arrives at the crime scene, Detective Wolf knows that hes in over his head. Hes a narcotics detective, called in to consult on a homicide, but this is no ordinary homicidea priest was butchered and left for dead inside his own church, with the promise of more bodies to follow. The only lead is the killers calling card: a black lotus flower left at the crime scene. Detective Wolf now has the opportunity to quietly track and stop the Black Lotus before the next victim is claimed, in exchange for wiping his service record clean.Accepting this case started as Detective Wolfs attempt to get Internal Affairs off his back. But when his hunt for the Black Lotus leads him to a cold case from his past, it becomes personal.Infamous Books, curated by Albert Prodigy Johnson of the legendary hip-hop group Mobb Deep, is a revolutionary partnership that pairs the Infamous Records brand with Brooklyn-based independent publisher Akashic Books. Infamous Books mission is to connect readers worldwide to crime fiction and street lit authors both familiar and new.

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