Blink and You'll Miss It

Moose House set these writers a challenge: tell us a story about something in rural Nova Scotia-a thing, what people do, what people believe-that folks from a more urban area might not understand or appreciate.You don't have to say, "Tell us a story," twice to a Nova Scotian. Manuscripts flew in from all across the province, from long-time writers and from folks for whom submitting a story was a brand new adventure.We take you all over the provincial map and sometimes backwards in time. You will look in on maple syrup sapping, magic at a Tim Hortons, and where ghosts walk along the shore. You will see the first steps in a struggle for women's right to get an education, a right we now take for granted. You will learn what the most horrible four-word expression is, and the unbreakable rules for hanging wash on the line.