Blooming Blossoms in Our Mind

We recall what the others say or do when we recollect how we feel. In the complexity of feelings, we express our self. We wear a jacket in style when it is cold out; We dive for a meal in delicacy when our stomach is burning in fire; We stretch our arms when our muscle is strained in gear. We chase with a passion when we desire; we show our affect when we are indebted; we give in generosity when we sacrifice. Each day we wake up with a want; each moment we drive with a power. This book is a work on understanding our mind with analysis of human feelings as the main coverage. At first, the author analyzed our human identity using a Child-Adult paradigm and our self-development using this Child-Adult relation. Then the common characteristics in the phenomenology of addiction were analyzed. Based on such common characteristics, the origin of addiction was further investigated. While we attempt to live by rationales, our feelings make us particularly human. These feelings are like brilliant blossoms in our mind and present us at various moments in our life. They reward us and reinforce our action for the realization of our Self, and punish us for the misery of the unrealized ID and demand a change. Through our feelings, we find and enforce justice, reinvigorate our motivation, live a life in happiness, form a bond with each other, hate and cause destruction of ourselves or others. In our society with very sophisticated Justice system, violent and vicious crimes don't seem to decline. A fresh look into the justice as a system based on our feelings can provide helpful explanation. At the age of globalization with multiple cultures colliding with each other, terrorism and massacres strike us across the globe leaving hundreds and hundreds heart-broken. Understanding feeling of hatred can lend tremendous insights. Not even to mention, analysis of our feelings is essential to understand the development of mental illness. Even though our feelings seem to be very complex and difficult to understand, there are Universal Principles underlying them. Through these Universal Principles, we can have a simplistic look into our complex feelings. By reflecting into these Universal Principles, major individual feelings were analyzed with reasons. The significance of human feelings in our individual and community living has never been adequately explored in a systematic approach in a contemporary scientific term. How emotions play out in every part of our life deserves in-depth discussion. There is a Price-Value relation that we must explore. All the objects in the World and our life per se are presented to us in a Price-Value relation. Through this Price-Value Relation, we understand how we need to bring up our children with creativity and productivity through education, how our economic system can stay just, and how the employer-employee relation can be productive and rewarding. As someone with a background in biomedicine, the author comprehends the Truth in our mind in the real-life experience in the context of contemporary scientific disciplines. At the end, biological medicine, psychology, philosophy, and phenomenology in religions must be one coherent science system. This is also the original intent of the work: our mind and body must be integrated in ONE whole inseparable entity. In this biomedical context, the author has developed a Triad Theory as the Universal Principle for the development of human medical illness. Besides medical disorders, Triad Theory also provides a basis to understand disturbance at the community level. We always condemn the others lying. But we never seek the Truth why they distort the facts. We must judge our power, and in power we drive.