Blue Bottle Club

Four friends gathered in a cold, dusty attic on Christmas day to make a solemn pact.",Our dreams for the future,", they whispered, placing tiny pieces of paper into a shimmering blue bottle.But that event happened in 1929, and it is decades later when local news reporter Brenna Delaney stumbles upon that bottle . . . and into the most meaningful story of her career.Life has taken those four girls' dreams of love, fame, and faith on a path fraught with seduction, betrayal, and loss. Little has turned out as expected-and yet every choice, every tear has led each of them to a special place.Brenna's search will uncover the secrets of that Blue Bottle Club . . . and her own life will never be the same.",A beautiful novel about friendship and the power of faith to renew our dreams.",-Angela Hunt, author of Magdalene

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