Brazilian Lichens Vol. VI

Sergipe and Amazonas are the smallest and biggest states of Brazil. The Amazone is famous because it is the richest biome for most terrestrial organism groups. Lichens are no exception, even though they are not very abundant in rainforest. Lichens are very species rich in the Amazon, and a single tree easily harbours 100 different species, and a small location up to 500 species. Also, many species grow on living leaves, easily up to 50 on a large, well-placed palm frond. In this book, some of these species are illustrated, in many cases for the first time, or for the first time in colour. New species Myriotrema psormuriforme Aptroot & Schumm, sp. nov Paraporpidia neotropica Aptroot & Schumm sp. nov New combination Fissurina bothynocarpa (Redinger) Aptroot & Schumm new comb. = Graphina bothynocarpa Redinger

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