Bring It, Bitches!

Calling all career sisters who want more! Many women in the corporate world seem to believe in certain fairy tales that keep them trapped in careers of quiet desperation, earning less than they deserve and getting passed over for leadership roles. Women consistently underestimate their own skills, fail to negotiate for themselves and attribute their success to external factors. That's just sad. Kelli Gilpin wants to introduce you to your new business reality...a world where female leaders have wild, brave hearts, earn big bucks and wear shoes that make them smile. In this book, you'll discover how to radiate confidence and power when you're speaking with people at every level, how to channel your inner Moxie (so that you ask for what you want and get it), and how to OWN a meeting, sales presentation, interview or any room you find yourself in. Most importantly, you'll be motivated to take action now to create the career you love - and the life you deserve.