Broken Boys/Mending Men

Broken Boys/Mending Men awakens us to the realities of a grave situation: boys are the victims of sexual abuse. It is estimated that one in six males suffers some form of sexual abuse as a child or teenager. In most cases the victim knows and trusts the perpetrator - most often an adult or teenage male. Broken Boys/Mending Men, originally published in 1990, provides a frank discussion of the issue, describing the consequences of male sexual abuse and the ways that victims can find help in healing the pain. Candid first-person accounts illustrate issues commonly faced by males trying to deal with their early victimization - withdrawal, isolation, denial, the loss of security and self-esteem - and how society's traditional view of masculinity acts as a barrier to their recovery. Stephen Grubman-Black offers hope and encouragement to victims as well as useful insights for parents, teachers and mental health professionals who want to know more about the effects and treatment of childhood sexual abuse. Stephen D. Grubman-Black teaches in communications studies and in women's studies at the University of Rhode Island. He has offered workshops and trainings over the years for people affected personally and professionally by the traumas created by childhood sexual victimization. "I'm a mental health counselor in Miami, Florida and have been a fan of your work on adult male survivors of sexual abuse. I'm doing a presentation for my colleagues in June on the subject and plan on citing some information I read in your book Broken Boys/Mending Men. I can't tell you how much I learned from that book and how much it has helped my past clients." "Of all the books I have read on the subject this is by far the best one, it goes to the heart of the matter. I am 44 and this is the most helpful book on the market, that I have come across." "A very good book for all of us men who were sexually abused as children." "This book cleared up a lot of confusion for me. This book opened my eyes to my past that my mind had blocked out. I now understand why I have done and still do some of the things I don't want to do. I was able to see what I had lost and what was taken from me. Most of my life I was seeking an illusion now there is some reality in my life. I am not a freak; I was robbed of more than my innocence; I lost most of my life. Freedom is possible and I now know there is more hope than I ever thought there was. Buy the book and get free. I have even bought this book for some friends so they can see that they (we) are not alone in (our) their pain."