We all have our days where we feel we can't survive. Sometimes dreams are shattered. Friendships may fall apart. Loved ones may hurt us. Finances may worry us. Sickness may overtake us. We may even lose people we love. But God will always be there to guide us through even the toughest times. Never lose faith. If you are wondering if you will ever be whole again...YOU CAN BE!! ! The author shares her personal testimony in this memoir to encourage readers to "continue to hold onto Jesus... even when life seems to keep knocking you down." Mrs. Robinson writes about her life in chronological order, highlighting difficult and devastating moments in which she turned to God for strength and support. The authors inspirational memoir provides "witness to the fact God is able, not only to comfort you, but to bring you through your present brokenness. Mrs. Robinson lives in Louisiana with her husband. She has three children and seven grandchildren who are all living for God and ministering in his kingdom. When you look where God brought Mrs. Robinson from to where she and her family are today you realize God is able to do anything.