Careful What You Wish For

As a young girl she had always fantasized that vampires were real. Witches, warlocks, and ghosts were real. As she grew older she still fantasized vampires were real. She wished she could be a vampire. She felt her life would be so much easier if she was a vampire. After a trip to Romania a mysterious stranger entered her life. He sent her books and presents. She began having dreams of a past that seemed like hers. Then after a trip to Salem, Mass and a second trip to Romania her biological parents and sisters were in her life along with another mysterious stranger. Her life was filled with witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and ghosts. Did she become a vampire? Yes she did but she became more than just a vampire. She didn't count on that. Was her life a lot easier when she became a vampire? Far from it. Witches, warlocks, vampires, and werewolves were trying to kill, possess, or kidnap her. They wanted to take her away from her world and bring her in theirs. Even her own father was trying to kill her. She was the only one of her kind. This book is the first chapter of her life. Who knows what other chapters of her life will unfold in the books that follow.