Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery

First published in 1891.According to the Preface: 'The present work, though written upon strictly vegetarian principles, is by no means addressed to vegetarians only. On the contrary, we hope that the following pages of recipes will be read by that enormous class throughout the country who during the last few years have been gradually changing their mode of living by eating far _less_ meat, and taking vegetables and farinaceous food as a substitute. Where there are thousands who are vegetarians from choice, there are tens of thousands who are virtuallyvegetarians from necessity. Again, there is another large class who from time to time adopt a vegetarian course of diet on the ground of health, and as a means of escaping from the pains attendant on gout, liver complaint, or dyspepsia. The class we most wish to reach, however, is that one, increasing we fear, whose whole life is one continual struggle not merely to live, but to live decently.'

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