There are two different methods to deal with offenders/criminals, one is simple imprisonment and second is community based correctional services. This study focused on community based correctional service (Probation) to identify the objectives of the study. Petty offence is a little crime which have less punishment / Custodial period. Petty offenders are those who violate some laws i.e Cheating, Drug addiction, Theft, Drinking, Contaminant of Court, Property Conflicts, Business Conflicts, Family Disputes etc. Lot of socio economic and psychological problems become the cause of offences, some of the most common causes are Lack of Education, Lack of Recreational facilities, Improper Legislation, Corrupt Politics, Defective Court and Penal System, Family Disputes, Peer Group Population etc. Some theorists of criminology think that the crime is learned behavior, some think situational ties makes the man criminal, some focused on psychological causes and some on political causes. Infact all of these causes / factors have pronounced effects on crime. This study shows the actual effecting ratio of these factors on crime in selected universe.