Cephalopods Present and Past: New Insights and Fresh Perspectives

This book brings together international scientists who focus on present-day and fossil cephalopods, ranging broadly from Paleozoic ammonoids to today's octopods. It covers systematics and evolution; hard- and soft part morphology; and ecology, biogeography, and taphonomy. The book also includes new evidence for the existence of an ink sac in fossil ammonoids and features the first record of an in-depth study of octopus ecology in Alaska.

Neil H. Landman: Curator-in-Charge, Invertebrate Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History; PhD, Yale University, 1982; Researcher in ammonoid paleobiology, systematics, and biostratigraphy.

Richard Arnold Davis: Professor of Biology and Geology, College of Mount St. Joseph; PhD, The University of Iowa, 1968; Researcher in the biology and taphonomy of fossil and present day cephalopods.

Royal H. Mapes: Professor Emeritus, Ohio University; PhD, The University of Iowa, 1977; Researcher in cephalopod systematics, phylogeny, taphonomy, and paleobiology