Charlie: A Love Story

Charlie: A Love Story tells of the beautiful love between Charlie, a Golden Retriever, and the author, Barbara Lampert. It takes place in Malibu, California. When Charlie turned eleven years old and started having some health problems, a journal Barbara was keeping about her garden quickly became mostly about Charlie."Charlie's a big dog, not just physically but in every way.He has a big heart, a big smile, lots of courage, a big appetite, and a great, big, generous spirit..."Because it emerged out of Barbara's gardening journal, Charlie's story developed against a background of her gardening activities and images of her extensive cottage garden. And because it is in journal form, Charlie: A Love Story is told while it is happening and is mostly uncensored, providing an intimate look at the bond between Charlie and Barbara, an incredible connection between a canine and a human. And as a psychotherapist who specializes in relationships, Barbara brings that sensibility and understanding to Charlie's story as well."Charlie's the emotional core of our family, the most solid being I have ever known, and wise beyond his years..."Charlie was Barbara's loyal confidante and best friend. He was indomitable, had a zest for life and an uncanny emotional intelligence. Charlie: A Love Story is about devotion, joy, loss, and renewal, about never giving up or giving in. But mostly it's about an extraordinary dog and an extraordinary relationship."Charlie and me. It's a great love affair, a once-in-a-lifetime connection." About the AuthorBarbara is a Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in relationships. She's been in private practice in Brentwood, California for over twenty years. She considers her work a calling and loves what she does. She has a doctorate in medical sociology and two master's degrees - one in psychology and one in sociology.Barbara has adored dogs her whole life. They're her passion! She notes that for a lot of people, their dogs are their best friends. She loves helping people know that's ok - that a soul-satisfying relationship may be found with any being and needs to be treasured.Besides her love of dogs, Barbara is an avid gardener and finds herself gardening in much of her spare time. She sees her garden as a work of art. She loves being in nature - the miracle of growth, the ever-changing landscape, its beauty.Today Barbara lives happily in Malibu, California with her husband David (married twenty-eight years!) and their six-year-old Golden Retriever, Harry.Barbara hopes that Charlie: A Love Story will be a tribute not only to a magnificent dog but to all dogs everywhere.