",Marvelous . . . the conceit is elegantly of a piece, yet Hwang is able to keep turning it in on itself to reveal new ambiguities, absurdities, subversions and paradoxes.",Chicago Reader ",Hwang's plays collectively chart the evolving definition of what it is to be an 'American.' . . . His art has illuminated and anticipated our ongoing national story with a sensibility unlike any other in the American theater.",Frank Rich Springing from the author's personal experiences in China over the past five years, Chinglish follows a Midwestern American businessman desperately seeking to score a lucrative contact for his family's firm as he travels to China only to discover how much he doesn't understand. Named for the unique and often comical third language that evolves from attempts to translate Chinese signs into English, Chinglish explores the challenges of doing business in a culture whose languageand ways of communicatingare worlds apart from our own. David Henry Hwang's ",best new work since M. Butterfly, this shrewd, timely and razor-sharp comedy", (Chicago Tribune) received its Broadway premiere in fall 2011. David Henry Hwang is the author of the Tony Awardwinning M. Butterfly, the Pulitzer Prizefinalist Yellow Face, Golden Child, FOB, Family Devotions, and the books for musicals Aida (as co-author), Flower Drum Song (2002 Broadway revival), and Tarzan, among other works.

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Chinglish (Tcg Edition) Hwang, David Henry

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