Christianities in Migration

Christianities in Migration journeys through continents, regions, nations, and villages, in order for the multiple stories of migrants to serve as theological reflection of diverse forms of indigenization of Christianity. It seeks to provide a Christian and theological response to the present trends of globalization and migration.

Akintunde E. Akinade, Georgetown University, USA Ana María Bidegain, Florida International University, USA Gabriel Bidegain Greising, Group of Research of Intervention in Population and Development, Haiti Moses O. Biney, New York Theological Seminary, USA Elias K. Bongmba, Rice University, USA Agnes M. Brazal, St. Vincent School of Theology-Adamson University, Philippines Allan Figueroa Deck, Loyola Marymount University, USA Emmanuel S. de Guzman, Adamson University Jehu J Hanciles, Emory University, USA Jione Havea, Charles Sturt University, Australia Kanan Kitani, Doshisha University School of Theology and Graduate School of Theology, USA James Logan, Earlham College, USA Trish Madigan, Dominican Centre for Interfaith, Ministry, Education and Research Michael Nausner, Reutlingen School of Theology, Germany. Thomas Reynolds, Victoria University in The University of Toronto, Canada Susanna Snyder, Ripon College, Cuddesdon,UK; University of Oxford, UK

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