Classroom management skills. A gem of the teaching profession

Essay from the year 2020 in the subject Didactics - Common Didactics, Educational Objectives, Methods, grade: 1, Kwame Nkrumah University, language: English, abstract: This article focuses on classroom management skills in schools. Class management is an important component of any successful lesson delivery. A teacher of any subject does not only need to be thoroughly knowledgeable in the subject they are handling but also need to know how to control a class and maintain discipline and order in it. In a nutshell, a teacher needs to possess class management skills. Drawing from the above, this article deals with five of the many classroom management techniques concerning what the author observed in the field while monitoring student teachers. The study was carried out in selected schools in central and Southern provinces in Zambia. Being a qualitative study, interviews, a document study, and observation instruments were used to collect data. The study revealed that there is a fair relationship between teachers and learners, inconsistency in maintaining authority, lack of preparedness, lack of accommodating all learners, and lack of patience among teachers. The study takes a thematic analysis of the findings and recommends that teachers need to include classroom management skills in their Professional Continuous Development (CPD) activities to equip each other with management techniques. Keywords: Classroom management, skills, teaching, schools, equip.

Mr. Jive Lubbungu holds a Masters of Literature and a Bachelor of Arts (BA Ed) Degrees obtained at The University of Zambia; specialised in comparative Literature. He is currently a Lecturer at Kwame Nkrumah University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, in the Department of Literature and Languages, in Zambia. He is also a PhD candidate in Literature at Africa Research University (ARU) in Zambia. He has contributed to the advancement of knowledge through teaching, Research, administrative experience and Paper Presentations at local and at international platform. His research interest lies in comparative Literature and Contemporary Issues .Mr Lubbungu is also a coodinator of Research Paper presentation seminars in the department of Literature and languages within the University. He was Convener of Kwame Nkrumah University Golden Jubilee International Conference which was successfully held from 19-20th September 2018 in Kabwe, Zambia. Mr. Lubbungu is the current Chair of the International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ICESD 2020) co-organised with Zeetarz Publishing Nigeria, which will be held in Zambia from March 17-18 at Kwame Nkrumah University. He also conducts motivational talks to students in the Unversity as well as offer editorial services to students and collleagues alike. He is a patron of the University Art Club, Debate Club, and also a deputy Chair of the University French Club. Mr Lubbungu has published Books as well as articles in international referred journals. He has a strong passion for writing. He has worked with various stakeholders in his civic duties and in academics. He is a member of the senate of Africa Research University (ARU). He is a member of Zambia Network for Environmental educators and Practioners (ZANEEP) Kabwe Chapter. He is also a member of the Zambia Text book, Academic and Non-/fiction Authors Association (ZATANFAA).