Climate Change and Life

"Climate Change and Life: The Complex Co-evolution of Climate and Life on Earth, and Beyond covers the critical tectonic and biogeochemical cycles that drive climate and shape the modern world. It compares the history of Earth to the histories of Venus and Mars, including new findings of Martian climate change. The book is multidisciplinary and will instruct readers on the range of extremes in climate and biogeochemical cycling that shape life on Earth. Topics covered include climate drivers on Earth (atmospheric gases, non-gaseous particulates in the atmosphere, etc.), various techniques to assess past climates, mass extension drivers, and future predictions. The book takes a long view on climate change and evolution while also focusing on defining moments in Earth history where critical thresholds and events occur. Climate scientists, earth scientists, environmental scientists and researchers in all other areas related to climate change will find value in the research presented in this book." -- Amazon.