Collected Online Articles In English Language, 2013-2016

This book contains almost all English-language articles that were published online by Timo Schmitz between 2013 and 2016, including the two series 'Individualisam between Moral and Virtues, Government and Religion' (27 articles) and 'An Overview of Tibetan History' (9 articles), as well as his article 'Who are the Left?' (which includes an overview on the major Communist and Anarchist movements). Timo Schmitz (*1993) is a language fanatic, philosopher, journalist, poet and book author. In 2014, he started to publish English articles on his blog. The first articles dealt with general issues, such as independence movements in the USA, massacres in South Korea at around the Korean War, what is utopia, and the limits of gaining knowledge. In February 2015, he started his series 'Individualism between Moral and Virtues, Government and Religion', which finally consists of 27 articles. The series depicts his own philosophy, the 'New Constructivist Communism' which questions contemporary society, morality and thinks of alternative forms of living. It also questions the phenomena of 'culture' and gives first concerns. Further cultural critique followed in 2016, where he questioned the use of the term and critically thinks of the consequences arising out of it. In the same year, he published several articles dealing with Buddhist topics, such as the Storehouse-Consciousness, metta meditation, Buddhist eschatology, and the interpretation of allegories. Questions about life and death and the meaning of beauty followed in fall. As Schmitz is a Constructivist-Skepticist, questions about what is reality and where do humans start constructing their own reality also is depicted in some of his articles. He also published many articles about political issues, such as human rights in Korea, politics in Chechnya and the civil war in Myanmar.

Timo Schmitz ist ein junger Autor, Philosoph, Dichter und Journalist. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Erforschung indigener Religionen und Glaubenssysteme. 2013 brachte er zwei englische Gedichtsbände als E-Book heraus. Es folgten weitere Gedichtsbände in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch. Desweiteren veröffentlichte er Bücher über den Buddhismus und Daoismus. Seine philosophischen Werke sind inspiriert vom Yogacara-Buddhismus, dem chassidischen Judentum und dem Islam.