Comprehensive lipid testing and management

Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Measurement of blood of lipids and lipoproteins has become one of the most frequently performed assays in clinical chemistry laboratories, reflecting their role in the aetiology of cardiovascular disease.
Pocket Reference to Comprehensive Lipid Testing and Management provides an overview of the purpose of lipid testing, diagnosis and lipid profiles as well as the goals of treatment and pharmacological management of lipid levels.
The book is divided into two parts, one covering lipid testing and one covering lipid management in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Professor Lars A Carlson is currently Emeritus Research Professor at the Karolinska Institutet and Director of the Lipid and Hypertension Clinic at Sophiahemmet, Stockholm, Sweden. He qualified in medicine at the Karolinska Institutet, and later obtained his PhD there. His clinical training was undertaken at the Department of Internal Medicine, Karolinska Hospital. He became the first Swedish Professor of Geriatric Medicine in Uppsala and created the Department of Geriatric Medicine at Uppsala University. This was followed by positions at the Karolinska Institutet as Professor of Internal Medicine and at the Department of Internal Medicine, Karolinska Hospital as a Consultant Physician. At the same time he was Director of the King Gustaf V Research Institute, Karolinska Institutet. He has also been a Visiting Professor at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London, and the University Department of Medicine, Hopital Cantonal, Geneva, Switzerland. Professor Carlson has been the President of the European Society for Clinical Investigation and the European Atherosclerosis Society. He has been the editor of the journal Atherosclerosis and has published some 500 scientific articles. For 20 years he has been a member of the Nobel Assembly, Karolinska Institutet. His main research interests include clinical lipidology and atherosclerosis. He received the prestigious Oscar Minkowski Prize of the European Diabetes Society and several other national and international awards for scientific achievements.

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