Compton Valance - The Most Powerful Boy in the Universe

When Compton Valance and his best friend Bryan Nylon discover the world's first TIME MACHINE (aka a mouldy, thirteen-week-old-cheese-and-pickled-egg sandwich), they become the most powerful boys in the universe. But how will Compton and Bryan decide to use their incredible new time-travelling powers? Will they use them for good? Will they use them for evil? Or will they just focus their efforts on perfecting a formula for the world's first pair of custard trousers? Highly illustrated ebook best viewed on a tablet.",Funny, clever, brilliant. I love this book. Buy it immediately.", - Dermot O'Leary",With clever jokes, disgusting food and comedic stereotypes, the plot twists, turns and fizzes through time and back again. Perfect", - Suffolk Libraries Online",Large print and plenty of illustrations make it fun for newly developing or reluctant readers and everyone else as well", - Primary Times

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