Computational Mathematics and Variational Analysis

This volume presents a broad discussion of computational methods and theories on various classical and modern research problems from pure and applied mathematics. Readers conducting research in mathematics, engineering, physics, and economics will benefit from the diversity of topics covered. Contributions from an international community treat the following subjects: calculus of variations, optimization theory, operations research, game theory, differential equations, functional analysis, operator theory, approximation theory, numerical analysis, asymptotic analysis, and engineering. Specific topics include algorithms for difference of monotone operators, variational inequalities in semi-inner product spaces, function variation principles and normed minimizers, equilibria of parametrized N-player nonlinear games, multi-symplectic numerical schemes for differential equations, time-delay multi-agent systems, computational methods in non-linear design of experiments, unsupervisedstochastic learning, asymptotic statistical results, global-local transformation, scattering relations of elastic waves, generalized Ostrowski and trapezoid type rules, numerical approximation, Szász Durrmeyer operators and approximation, integral inequalities, behaviour of the solutions of functional equations, functional inequalities in complex Banach spaces, functional contractions in metric spaces.