Concept of Asthi Sharir in Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the age old treatise given directly by God describes each and every aspect of life from the beginning of life. The source of universe comprising by organisms which are mortal, after reaching maturity these organisms enters into a sequence of changes during which development becomes arrested and retrogressive changes occur. Ancient seers of Ayurveda have classified the elements of the body under three fundamental components- Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. These three entities are responsible for the maintenance of the structural and functional integrity of the body. According to Acharya Susruta the pioneer of Ayurveda explained, the organs of the body destroy after death except for the Asthi. The Asthi do not decay after death and remains as for longer duration. Knowledge of Asthi can be traced back from Vedas passing chronologically down to Samhita. Considering its history of description and importance many methods and thought can be visualised in classical texts. Each explains their own way of enumeration and nomenclature. Literal and fundamental work has sole aim to relate and convert the age-old knowledge into more Clinician-friendly.

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