Connecting, Understanding and Motivating People: Developing healthy Inter-personal relationships

Grow people; grow organizations! Every organization, in order to function, needs resources--namely, money, machinery, materials and methods. Man was also considered as one of these resources--but no longer! Man--people--is a great possibility endowed with enormous potential. It is perhaps the greatest leadership responsibility of every corporate manager and business head to take the lead in 'connecting' with people on the intellectual level--developing acquaintance, 'understanding' on the emotional level--knowing their maturity and 'motivating' to tap into their inherent dormant potential. Organizations by themselves don't make profits; it is the people who make profits for the organization. People, undoubtedly, are the roots of an organization. Take care of the roots to get the fruits. By connecting, understanding and motivating, you grow people and create leaders! The essence of leadership is creating leaders!