Conquerors of Time

Conquerors of Time celebrates 150 years of courage, energy, innovation, resourcefulness and grand ideas, from the late 17th century to the early 20th. It's about the seafarers, engineers, inventors and trailblazers who enabled the British to hold together a vast empire and the Americans to push their frontiers west. Some, such as Captain Cook and Robert Stephenson are famous. Others, like the makers of chromonometers, the collectors of tropical plants or the railway engineers who roughed it in the Canadian wilderness are less well-known. What they all had in common is a desire to understand the world and a determination to harness the forces of nature. 'Trevor Fishlock's brio and broad vision matches those of his subjects and makes for a rattling good read.' Lawrence James, Daily Mail 'Fact-filled and highly evocative ... the sheer romance of the story is irresistible.' Sunday Telegraph

After years of living and writing abroad, Trevor Fishlock turned his eyes back on Britain and wrote My Foreign Country: Trevor Fishlock's Britain. This was followed by his successful television series Wild Tracks, which spawned two books connected to the series. Since publishing Conquerors of Time, he has written two volumes of Sea Stories.