Corporate Governance in Schweizer Firmen. Ausgestaltung und Beurteilung

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensführung, Management, Organisation, Note: 6.0 von 6.0, Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz (IAC - Institut für Accounting und Controlling), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Rahmen der schriftlichen Arbeit für das zweite Semester in EMBA in Corporate Governance, Regulations & Compliance habe ich den Auftrag erhalten, Ausgestaltung und Berichterstattung von zwei Firmen zu analysieren beziehungsweise zu vergleichen. Die jüngsten Affären bei der Raiffeisenbank-Genossenschaft, bei der Postauto (Bundesbetrieb) und bei der EKS Schaffhausen (Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Schaffhausen) und deren Bearbeitung in diversen Medien machen deutlich, dass die Ausgestaltung des Corporate Governance eine immer höhere Bedeutung gewinnt und von der Öffentlichkeit vermehrt diskutiert wird. Ich habe mich bei der Bearbeitung der beiden Firmen für IVF Hartmann Group, Neuhausen, und Bomatec Group, Höri, entschieden. Beide sind Schweizer Firmen und haben ihren Hauptsitz in der Schweiz. IVF Hartmann ist Hersteller von medizinischen Verbrauchsgütern. 2017 erzielte sie einen konsolidierten Umsatz von 132 Millionen CHF. Sie beschäftigt insgesamt 375 Mitarbeitende. Bomatec Group ist in den Bereichen Magnet- und Sensortechnik tätig und erzielte einen konsolidierten Umsatz von 52 Millionen CHF im Jahr. 2017 beschäftigte sie insgesamt durchschnittlich 243 Vollzeitbeschäftigte.

Education Career: Nadeem Wain was born (09.01.1971) & bred in Jalalpur Jattan-Gujrat, Pakistan. He completed his first master degree in English Literature from Govt. Zamindar College Gujrat, Pakistan. Since Feb. 2000, he has been living in Switzerland. After completing his basic education in commerce, he continued his education and got his professional degree of Swiss Certified Business Economist. This degree was followed by 4 master degrees in various fields of finance; Master of Advance Studies in Controlling FH, Master of Advance Studies in International Accounting & Reporting FH, Executive MBA with specialization in Corporate Finance FH and Executive MBA with specialization in Corporate Governance & Compliance FH, all at the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. Currently, he is doing his LL.M. (Master of Laws) in International Taxation at University of Liechtenstein in Liechtenstein. Professional Career: Nadeem Wain started his career in a restaurant as a dish washer in Switzerland. In 2003, he started his first job as a clerk in a small company, where he worked about 4 years. After doing his professional degree in Business Economy, he changed his job and worked another 4 years as a Head of Department for HR & Finance. During his first master degree, he moved to a Swiss based multinational company and worked there as a Financial Controller by looking the finance matters of 43 companies worldwide. Since June 2015, he has been working as a CFO and as a Member of the Board of Directors of Bomatec Group, Switzerland. Additionaly, he is President of the Board of Directors of SHIFTR AG, Switzerland and Memeber of the Board of Directors of Bomatec International Corp., Canada. Nadeem Wain is co-owner of a consulting company named ACT Wain Treuhand GmbH, where he provides consulting services in the areas of Accounting, Controlling and Taxes.

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